Remembering my nursery rhyme “twinkle, twinkle, little star”, hmmm…What a rhyme it was, then! I could also remember all early morning multiplication table recitations. And the fact that my father made sure I knew how to read and taught me how to make simple additions with the aid of my fingers and memory. Sincerely, all these weren’t as easy as you think. The most tedious of all is the learning of addition; my father would make sure I got the answers right. I as well remembered the sleepless night mother had, in other to prepare us early for school. I know we all enjoyed this early childhood experiences. But has the holy book says, “To everything, there is a season and a time”, and I will say, “To growth, there is a season and a time”.
Do you know that every year you celebrate your birthday, it tells you that you are at another stage of your life? Moreover, everyone will always appreciate growing up especially when you were much younger that you had fewer worries. But growing up becomes more dynamic, experiential, and tasking at that stage you talk of Maturity. And maturity I will say starts from puberty. Well, this word is not alien to any of us, at least from age 12 or 13 we learn about this in our secondary schools. For the ladies especially, at this stage, that sense of self-consciousness and the neatness instinct are so deepened. Yes, they are really deepened! This stage of maturity always makes me wish I was still the little innocent me. That stage where daddy and mummy thought for me and took decisions for me. But lo, and behold! I am not that baby who just desires the breast milk again, but now I am the matured one or do I say grown up one, the one who desires the sincere milk of the world; the knowledge, the direction, the focus, the persistence and coupled with, the endurance that is needed to make right decisions. Truly, the sincere milk defines the journey of the next level, that journey to the future. And I am forced to ask, “Is that future far, near, present or past? As I often read under every mail my brother sends, “Go beyond limits, it’s within”. Of a truth, the future is now.
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